Summer has arrived in Washington! At least, according to the calendar it has. One couldn't tell based on the mollusk activity or schizophrenic weather we're experiencing.
Our friendly neighborhood slugs haven't exchanged their umbrellas and rain jackets for sun hats quite yet. Oh, no! The trumpets of morning revelry have stirred the critters to action. They hurriedly slime through puddles and over copper barriers on their way to decimate gardens all around the state. Shell-shocked gardeners shudder.
The sun, however, continues to struggle with getting out of bed at the appointed hour. It doesn't make an appearance on some days until late in the afternoon, if at all. Yesterday I yelled out, "Olly olly um come free" for hours and the light didn't arrive until after the remnants of dinner had become compost. Tardiness never seems to be a problem for the liquid sunshine of our state.
But there is hope on the horizon. The vegetable seeds planted in the garden last month are beginning to show signs of life. I excitedly watch as the little tomato, bean, zucchini, pumpkin, and cucumber sprouts push upward through the soil, struggling to break the bonds of the darkness and emerge into the light. I stop by often to visit, and to capture the slimy creatures attempting to chomp on the new growth.
Wait ... what's that? There's a gigantic, yellowish orb directing luminescence from outside and into the living room. Is that the sun? Nah, it's only 10 AM.
But I can't take any chances. If it is the sun, I need to stop playing around inside on the laptop and head outside to mow the moss while I can. I'm outta here ...
Hi! My name is Brian Moen. I am currently an 4th and 5th grade elementary school teacher and a writer of children's books and poems. I designed this Blog as a way to connect with teachers, parents, authors, publishers, agents, editors, booksellers, and other individuals interested in my work. I hope many of you will enjoy reading my stories, and follow my efforts on my quest to become a published author. Enjoy!

- Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
- Washington, United States
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
10:21 AM
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Okay, okay. I get it already. I've seen the writing on the crystal clear LCD screen with the 10 bajillion colors and mind bending apps that is taking over the world.
The experts tell me:
But are they? Only time will tell.
But just in case you're curious about what the future may hold for readers, here's a preview of a new IPAD app. It is a modern rendering of tales from one of the best loved fairy tale writers of all time. I present Hans Christian Andersen for your viewing pleasure ...
The experts tell me:
But are they? Only time will tell.
But just in case you're curious about what the future may hold for readers, here's a preview of a new IPAD app. It is a modern rendering of tales from one of the best loved fairy tale writers of all time. I present Hans Christian Andersen for your viewing pleasure ...
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
10:59 PM
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
Today is Sunday, June 20th, 2010. It is Father's Day - a brief 24 hours to stop and reflect on the male species. A time to think about all that Dad has done for you over the years. A time to let Dad know that he's an okay dude.
In honor of my Dad, and Dads everywhere around the world, I'd like to say ...
Now I must get off the internet and get back to spending quality time with the family. Have a great day, y'all!
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
12:50 PM
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Friday, June 18, 2010
An Impassioned Plea for Picture Books
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
10:16 PM
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Monday, June 7, 2010
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
8:20 PM
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Sunday, June 6, 2010
I'm in the home stretch at school. One more week of lessons and then I'm off for the Summer. Technically speaking, that is ...
In reality, I won't have teaching duties in the classroom for a couple of months. But, as is the case with many educators, I will be attending several workshops, trainings, and classes so that I can keep my teaching credential current. Not fun, but it must be done in order to stay employed. In addition, I'll be taking on some odd jobs to help improve the family's financial standing.
Today, however, is a day I've set aside for grading, ticking off items on the Honey-Do list, and ignoring the three million legos the boys have strewn all over the downstairs. No concerns though. The 4 year old has promised me that all the blocks will be cleaned up before Mom gets home. Is a verbal contract entered into with a child legally enforceable?
Tempus fugit.
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
12:53 PM
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Friday, June 4, 2010
Even when an author gets published, it's still sometimes hard to get noticed. Parnell Hall, a mystery writer with numerous books in print, sings and humorously laments the lack of demand for his "John Hancock" at multiple book signings. Thanks for making me smile, Parnell!
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
11:25 PM
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Apple invites authors to self-publish on iPad bookstore
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
8:33 PM
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