Getting ready for the impending 12 midnight NaNoWriMo kickoff by hanging out and brainstorming for my first novel in a place where all the meals are happy!
Hi! My name is Brian Moen. I am currently an 4th and 5th grade elementary school teacher and a writer of children's books and poems. I designed this Blog as a way to connect with teachers, parents, authors, publishers, agents, editors, booksellers, and other individuals interested in my work. I hope many of you will enjoy reading my stories, and follow my efforts on my quest to become a published author. Enjoy!

- Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
- Washington, United States
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
6:22 PM
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
When will it end???
The intrusive, bitter, highly political messages invading U.S. homes and airwaves are not helpful. It appears that as more and more money pours into the campaign coffers, the number of crass and truth-averse messages grow exponentially. Is it any wonder that voters are having trouble deciphering the truth from the rhetoric?
As a contrast to all the lies, fear-mongering, and all out hateful messages, one citizen held up a sign at a recent rally in Seattle that read,
The intrusive, bitter, highly political messages invading U.S. homes and airwaves are not helpful. It appears that as more and more money pours into the campaign coffers, the number of crass and truth-averse messages grow exponentially. Is it any wonder that voters are having trouble deciphering the truth from the rhetoric?
As a contrast to all the lies, fear-mongering, and all out hateful messages, one citizen held up a sign at a recent rally in Seattle that read,
"I don't really have a message so I drew a bunny."
Well said, concerned American citizen. I salute you!
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
8:38 PM
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yes, it's been way too long! It seems like forever since I've posted on my blog. As it turns out, I've been away from writing creatively for a bit.
I happily returned to my classroom for the start of another tremendous school year. And much of my energy has been directed toward my students and the associated educational duties instead of to writing since then. But, I'm pleased to announce that all that is about to change!
Coming up in about 96 hours, I shall be starting "NaNoWriMo." For those of you that have absolutely no clue about what I'm talking about, that weird sounding acronym stands for "National Novel Writing Month." The goal of the event is to get a bunch of writers to drink extreme amounts of caffeine and produce the first draft of an entire book (or ten) consisting of 50,000 words or more in just thirty days. I'm psyched, but nervous.
I'd like to invite you to stop by and check back on this blogs or visit the "NaNoWriMo" website for updates. Here goes ...
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
12:13 AM
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