I absolutely love Craigslist! Not only is it a good place to sell and/or buy hidden treasures, but is also a source of terrific inadvertent comedy. In perusing advertisements for watercraft, I stumbled upon this gem:
1972 16' Glasply with 1981 Chrysler. This has been a great boat for me until it sank last week. It has a small hole in the hull that should be easy to fix.
For future reference, using the words boat and sank in the same advertisement when you're attempting to sell the aforementioned water vehicle is probably a bad idea. In my humble opinion, MOST PEOPLE PREFER BOATS THAT FLOAT!
Hi! My name is Brian Moen. I am currently an 4th and 5th grade elementary school teacher and a writer of children's books and poems. I designed this Blog as a way to connect with teachers, parents, authors, publishers, agents, editors, booksellers, and other individuals interested in my work. I hope many of you will enjoy reading my stories, and follow my efforts on my quest to become a published author. Enjoy!

- Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
- Washington, United States
- www.brianmoen.com
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
11:36 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Libraries. I am a huge fan. Where else but in a library can a person discover FREE soul enriching, mind bending, or edge of your seat bound paper goodness? Heck, even the "Old Spice Guy" agrees with me. What do you think?
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
11:49 AM
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Seattle is a city known around the globe for its vast natural resources and beauty. We are also recognized for our trend-setting people, recreational amenities, educational opportunities, and cutting edge businesses. Computer innovations, aircraft technology, grunge music, coffee houses, and incredibly successful sports teams (I wish) are just a few of the things that have sprung from our little corner of the world.
We are changing the world in other ways, too. Specifically, FLASH MOBS. I know ... I may be stretching it a bit on the changing the world part. But, Flash Mobs are a fun and healthy diversion that are springing up more and more in this area since warmer weather has arrived.
If you aren't sure what this mob thing is, I've embedded a video of one held at the Seattle Central Library on July 1st of this year. Enjoy!
We are changing the world in other ways, too. Specifically, FLASH MOBS. I know ... I may be stretching it a bit on the changing the world part. But, Flash Mobs are a fun and healthy diversion that are springing up more and more in this area since warmer weather has arrived.
If you aren't sure what this mob thing is, I've embedded a video of one held at the Seattle Central Library on July 1st of this year. Enjoy!
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
7:14 PM
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
After submitting my story, "Macaroni and the Binky," to a couple of agents and patiently awaiting a response for over four months (and getting none - not even a rejection letter), I decided to try something different. It's only so long that I can keep barking up the same tree, ya know?
I told myself when I began the submission process that I would give a few agents first crack at my work. If they rejected it or didn't respond to my queries, I would go a different route. Since not hearing even a peep from those professionals, I chose an alternate path to possible publication.
I know what you're probably thinking. "Did Moen decide to self publish?"
And the short answer to that question is, "No, not at this time."
Instead, I've worked like a dog to rewrite "Macaroni ..." yet again. This time, I've edited and revised it down to a lean and mean 497 words. I had to cut my story down to this size to fit the guidelines necessary to submit it for the Cheerios® Spoonful of Stories® New Author Contest. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and other appendages and hoping maybe that this third time will be the charm.
While I patiently (yet again) await a response that will not arrive until mid October at the earliest, I plan to happily get on with my life. I have several more stories to write, fences to rebuild, camping spots to visit, hiking trails to explore, a classroom to set-up, and a supporting family to love.
Until next time, take care ...
I told myself when I began the submission process that I would give a few agents first crack at my work. If they rejected it or didn't respond to my queries, I would go a different route. Since not hearing even a peep from those professionals, I chose an alternate path to possible publication.
I know what you're probably thinking. "Did Moen decide to self publish?"
And the short answer to that question is, "No, not at this time."
Instead, I've worked like a dog to rewrite "Macaroni ..." yet again. This time, I've edited and revised it down to a lean and mean 497 words. I had to cut my story down to this size to fit the guidelines necessary to submit it for the Cheerios® Spoonful of Stories® New Author Contest. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and other appendages and hoping maybe that this third time will be the charm.
While I patiently (yet again) await a response that will not arrive until mid October at the earliest, I plan to happily get on with my life. I have several more stories to write, fences to rebuild, camping spots to visit, hiking trails to explore, a classroom to set-up, and a supporting family to love.
Until next time, take care ...
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
11:45 AM

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Gotta love this:
Disadvantaged students given a gift of only 12 books to take home at the end of the school year earn higher test scores.
If this really works, why don't we do more things like this as a society? It makes me wonder ...
Disadvantaged students given a gift of only 12 books to take home at the end of the school year earn higher test scores.
If this really works, why don't we do more things like this as a society? It makes me wonder ...
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
11:57 PM
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Friday, July 9, 2010
With a cornucopia of drippin' armpits and heat germinating all around the state, isn't it time for a delicious ice cream break?
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
3:54 AM
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Detroit Public Library and McDonald's team up for kids | freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Here is an article on how Detroit is attempting to promote reading by giving away free Happy Meals to kids that check out books from the library. Is this right or wrong? How do you feel about implementing incentive programs that are designed to encourage a change in behavior? I'd love to hear what you think about this issue.
Detroit Public Library and McDonald's team up for kids | freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Detroit Public Library and McDonald's team up for kids | freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
5:05 PM
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Sunday, July 4, 2010
You can't celebrate the 4th of July without a little patriotic music ...
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
4:32 PM
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July 4th Fireworks Are No Blast For Pets | The Humane Society of the United States
May you have a blasting good time celebrating with family and friends today. But before you go out and play, please remember to take care of the four-legged furry critters in your life that provide love, companionship, and lots of licks.
July 4th Fireworks Are No Blast For Pets | The Humane Society of the United States
May you have a blasting good time celebrating with family and friends today. But before you go out and play, please remember to take care of the four-legged furry critters in your life that provide love, companionship, and lots of licks.
July 4th Fireworks Are No Blast For Pets | The Humane Society of the United States
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
1:54 PM
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Thursday, July 1, 2010
In getting ready for our garage sale this weekend, we stumbled across my old typewriter. I considered selling it. But, after my wife showed the kids how it worked, and seeing how excited they got, I changed my mind.
"It's better than a computer!" giggled my daughter almost uncontrollably.
And with that knowledge, I hatched a plan.
Instead of selling it, I will store it for another 8 years.
Then, when the time is right, I will wrap it up all nice and pretty in pink paper with a big purple bow, and give it to my daughter as a gift before she heads off to college.
When she opens the present and invariably throws a fit at such an outdated form of technology, I will smile and earnestly say, "Hey! It's better than a computer."
*Evil laugh*
Rights Reserved on original content created by
Brian Moen, Writer of Children's Books
1:40 PM
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